Thursday, 11 July 2019

patients rights

Patient has the right to refuse treatment
Competent patients have the legal and moral right to refuse treatment, even in life-threatening emergency situations. 
 In such cases informed refusal must be obtained and documented, over the patient's witnessed signature. 
 It may be advisable that two doctors document the reason for non-performance of life-saving surgery or treatment as express refusal by the patient or the authorised representative and inform the hospital administrator about the same.
To detain an adult patient against his will in a hospital is unlawful. 
If a patient demands discharge from hospital against medical advice, this should be recorded, and his signature obtained.

Patient is free to withdraw his consent anytime
When consent is withdrawn during the performance of a procedure, the procedure should be stopped. The doctor may address to patient's concerns and may continue the treatment only if the patient agrees. If stopping a procedure at that point puts patient's life in danger, the doctor may continue with the procedure till such a risk no longer exists

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